H2020 SSH Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler, Kapsayıcı, Yenilikçi ve Yansıtıcı Toplumlar
AB HORIZON 2020 hibe programının Toplumsal Sorunlara Çözümler ana bileşeni altındaki tematik alanlardan biri olan H2020 Sosyal Bilimler başlığına ilişkin 2016-2017 çalışma programında açılan çağrılar aşağıdaki gibidir: Co-Creation for Growth and Inclusion CO-CREATION-01-2017: Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators CO-CREATION-02-2016: User-driven innovation: value creation through design-enabled innovation CO-CREATION-03-2016: Piloting demand-driven collaborative innovation models in Europe CO-CREATION-04-2017: Applied co-creation to deliver public services CO-CREATION-05-2016: Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle CO-CREATION-06-2017: Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policymaking, policy-modelling and policy-implementation CO-CREATION-07-2017: Towards a new growth strategy in Europe – Improved economic and social measurement, data and official statistics CO-CREATION-08-2016-2017: Better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy making CO-CREATION-09-2016: A European map of knowledge production and co-creation in support of research and innovation for societal challenges Reversing Inequalities and Promoting Fairness REV-INEQUAL-01-2016: An empirically informed European theory of justice and fairness REV-INEQUAL-02-2016: Contemporary radicalisation trends and their implications for Europe REV-INEQUAL-03-2016: Dynamics of inequalities across the life-course REV-INEQUAL-04-2016: Intra-EU mobility and its impacts for social and economic systems REV-INEQUAL-05-2016: Inequalities in the EU and their consequences for democracy, social cohesion and inclusion REV-INEQUAL-06-2016: Tackling inequalities at their roots: new policies for fairness in education from early age REV-INEQUAL-07-2016: Spatial justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities REV-INEQUAL-08-2016: Fighting inequalities through policies against tax fraud and tax evasion REV-INEQUAL-09-2017: Boosting inclusiveness of ICT-enabled research and innovation REV-INEQUAL-10-2016: Multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing youth digital opportunities REV-INEQUAL-11-2017: Current European and cross-national comparative research and research actions on Migration REV-INEQUAL-12-2017: Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum REV-INEQUAL-13-2017: Research on employability, skills and labour market integration of migrants Engaging Together Globally ENG-GLOBALLY-01-2017: Strengthening Europe’s position in the global context: science diplomacy and intercultural relations ENG-GLOBALLY-02-2017: Shifting global geopolitics and Europe’s preparedness for managing risks, mitigation actions and fostering peace ENG-GLOBALLY-03-2017: The European Union and the global challenge of migration ENG-GLOBALLY-04-2017: Science diplomacy for EU neighbourhood policies ENG-GLOBALLY-05-2017: The strategic potential of EU external trade policy ENG-GLOBALLY-06-2017: The Asia-Pacific as a strategic region for Europe ENG-GLOBALLY-07-2017: The European Union and Central Asia ENG-GLOBALLY-08-2016-2017: EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation ENG-GLOBALLY-09-2016: Centres/Networks of European research and innovation ENG-GLOBALLY-10-2017: Migration and asylum systems Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space CULT-COOP-01-2017: Democratic discourses and the rule of law CULT-COOP-02-2017: Improving mutual understanding among Europeans by working through troubled pasts CULT-COOP-03-2017: Cultural literacy of young generations in Europe CULT-COOP-04-2017: Contemporary histories of Europe in artistic and creative practices CULT-COOP-05-2017: Religious diversity in Europe – past, present and future CULT-COOP-06-2017: Participatory approaches and social innovation in culture CULT-COOP-07-2017: Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime regions CULT-COOP-08-2016: Virtual museums and social platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction CULT-COOP-09-2017: European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past CULT-COOP-10-2017: Culture, integration and European public space CULT-COOP-11-2016-2017: Understanding the transformation of European public administrations CULT-COOP-12-2017: The significance of cultural and core values for the migration challenge Institutional Change to Support Responsible Research and Innovation in Research Performing and Funding Organisations SwafS-01-2016: Participatory research and innovation via Science Shops SwafS-02-2016: ERA-NET Cofund – Promoting Gender equality in H2020 and the ERA SwafS-03-2016-2017: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans SwafS-04-2016: Opening Research Organisations in the European Research Area SwafS-05-2017: New constellations of Changing Institutions and Actors SwafS-06-2017: Engaging industry – Champions for RRI in Industrial Sectors SwafS-07-2016: Training on Open Science in the European Research Area SwafS-08-2017: European Community of Practice to support institutional change Embedding Responsible Research and Innovation in Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation SwafS-09-2016: Moving from constraints to openings, from red lines to new frames in Horizon 2020 SwafS-10-2017: Putting Open Science into action Strengthening the Science with and for Society Knowledge-Base SwafS-11-2017: Science education outside the classroom SwafS-12-2017: Webs of Innovation Value Chains and Openings for RRI SwafS-13-2017: Integrating Society in Science and Innovation – An approach to cocreation SwafS-14-2017: A Linked-up Global World of RRI Developing Inclusive, Anticipatory Governance for Research & Innovation SwafS-15-2016: Open Schooling and collaboration on science education SwafS-16-2016: Mapping the Ethics and Research Integrity Normative Framework SwafS-17-2016: The Ethics of informed consent in novel treatment including a gender perspective SwafS-18-2016: The Ethics of technologies with high socio-economic impact and Human Rights relevance SwafS-19-2016: Networking of National representatives and resources centres on Gender in R&I SwafS-20-2016: ERA Mobility and Career Day SwafS-21-2017: Promoting integrity in the use of research results in evidence based policy: a focus on non-medical research SwafS-22-2017: The ethical dimensions of IT technologies: a European perspective focusing on security and human rights aspects SwafS-23-2017: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in support of sustainability and governance, taking account of the international context SwafS-24-2017: Trans-national operation of the EURAXESS Service network SwafS-25-2016: Celebrating European Science SwafS-26-2017: Science4Refugees – Support to highly skilled refugee scientists SwafS-27-2017: Implementing a European Train-the-trainers initiative with regard to Ethics and Research Integrity Bu tematik alana yönelik projeler için tıklayınız