Avrupa Birliği Horizon 2020 hibe programı Nanoteknoloji ve Malzeme Bilimi, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği, İleri Malzemeler, Optik, Fotonik ve Lazer Teknolojileri, İleri İmalat ve İşleme Teknolojileri, Malzemelerin Karakterizasyonu, Nano-ölçekte Fizik, Kimya ve Biyoloji, Yenilikçi Malzemeler, Nanometre (nm) ölçeğinde Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Biyolojik olayların Kontrolü, Nano boyutlarda yeni nesil ve fonksiyonel Malzeme üretimi tematik alanı altında 2018 yılında açılacak proje çağrı başlıkları yayınlandı.
H2020 NANOTECH Konu Başlıkları;
Nanoteknoloji, İleri Malzemeler, İleri İmalat ve İşleme Teknolojileri; Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği, Optik, Elektro-Optik, Fotonik ve Lazer Teknolojileri, Nano-ölçekte Fizik, Kimya ve Biyoloji, Nanometre (nm) ölçeğinde Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Biyolojik olayların Kontrolü ve nano boyutlarda fonksiyonel Malzemeler ve Sistem Geliştirilmesi.
AB HORIZON 2020 hibe programının Endüstriyel Liderlik ve Rekabetçilik ana bileşeni altındaki tematik alanlardan biri olan H2020 Nanoteknoloji (NMP) başlığına ilişkin 2018-2020 çalışma programında açılan çağrılar aşağıdaki gibidir:
2018-2020 Çağrıları:
Open Innovation Test Beds
- DT-NMBP-01-2018: Open Innovation Test Beds for Lightweight, nano-enabled multifunctional composite materials and components (IA)
- DT-NMBP-02-2018: Open Innovation Test Beds for Safety Testing of Medical Technologies for Health (IA)
- DT-NMBP-03-2019: Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled surfaces and membranes (IA)
- DT-NMBP-04-2020: Open Innovation Test Beds for bio-based nano-materials and solutions (IA)
- DT-NMBP-05-2020: Open Innovation Test Beds for functional materials for building envelopes (IA)
- DT-NMBP-06-2020: Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-pharmaceuticals production (IA)
- DT-NMBP-07-2018: Open Innovation Test Beds for Characterisation (IA)
- DT-NMBP-08-2019: Real-time nano-characterisation technologies (RIA)
- DT-NMBP-09-2018: Accelerating the uptake of materials modelling software (IA)
- DT-NMBP-10-2019: Adopting materials modelling to challenges in manufacturing processes (RIA)
- DT-NMBP-11-2020: Open Innovation Test Beds for Materials Modelling (IA)
- DT-NMBP-12-2019: Sustainable Nano-Fabrication (CSA)
- NMBP-13-2018: Risk Governance of nanotechnology (RIA)
- NMBP-14-2018: Nanoinformatics: from materials models to predictive toxicology and ecotoxicology (RIA)
- NMBP-15-2019: Safe by design, from science to regulation: metrics and main sectors (RIA)
- NMBP-16-2020: Safe by design, from science to regulation: behaviour of multi-component nanomaterials (RIA)
- NMBP-17-2020: Regulatory science for medical technology products (RIA)
- DT-NMBP-18-2019: Materials, manufacturing processes and devices for organic and large area electronics (IA)
- DT-NMBP-19-2019: Advanced materials for additive manufacturing (IA)
- DT-NMBP-20-2018: A digital ‘plug and produce’ online equipment platform for manufacturing (IA)
- NMBP-21-2020: Custom-made biological scaffolds for specific tissue regeneration and repair (RIA)
- NMBP-22-2018: Osteoarticular tissues regeneration (RIA)
- DT-NMBP-23-2020: Next generation organ-on-chip (RIA)
- CE-NMBP-24-2018: Catalytic transformation of hydrocarbons (RIA)
- CE-NMBP-25-2019: Photocatalytic synthesis (RIA)
- CE-NMBP-26-2018: Smart plastic materials with intrinsic recycling properties by design (RIA)
- LC-NMBP-27-2019: Strengthening EU materials technologies for non-automotive battery storage (RIA)
- LC-NMBP-28-2020: Advanced materials for innovative multilayers for durable photovoltaics (IA)
- LC-NMBP-29-2019: Materials for non-battery based energy storage (RIA)
- LC-NMBP-30-2018: Materials for future highly performant electrified vehicle batteries (RIA)
- LC-NMBP-31-2020: Materials for off shore energy (IA)
- LC-NMBP-32-2019: Smart materials, systems and structures for energy harvesting (RIA)
- NMBP-33-2018: Innovative and affordable solutions for the preventive conservation of cultural heritage (IA)